
Trump, bătut și legat de o femeie, într-o reclamă controversată

Președintele american Donald Trump a fost bătut și legat de o femeie într-o nouă reclamă pentru un brand american de articole sportive.

Panoul publicitar de 30 de metri a fost amplasat în Times Square din New York și înfățișează un model care își leagă președintele cu sfoară roșie, albă și albastră. Trump este umilit, mai ales că femeia din afiș și-a așezat o talpă pe fața lui.

Avi Brown, directorul executiv al Dhvani, a declarat că reclama face referire la modificările aduse de administrația Trump la programul Title X. Programul stipulează că clinicile de planificare familială care primesc fonduri federale nu pot ajuta pacientele care doresc să facă un avort, singurele excepții fiind cazurile de viol, incest și urgență medicală.

De asemenea, brandul de îmbrăcăminte sport a replicat că „se pronunță” împotriva schimbărilor.

Înființat în 1970, cu sprijin bipartisan, programul Title X oferă servicii de planificare familială persoanelor cu venituri mici.

Gag Rule (regula căluşului) instaurată de Trump obligă ONG-urile străine finanțate de SUA să confirme că nu vor performa avorturi și că nici nu le vor promova activ. Contravine însă legii federale, spun reprezentanții Dhvani, și împiedică experții din domeniul sănătății să furnizeze informații despre unde și cum să acceseze serviciile de planificare familială la peste 4 milioane de americance.

Compania a încărcat mai multe imagini pe Instagram, între care una care-l înfățișează pe președinte legat la gură cu o bandă neagră, înconjurat de mai multe femei. În descrierea fotografiei, Dhavni a dezvăluit că va dona un procent din vânzările sale către organizații non-profit care sprijină asistența medicală privind reproducerea din SUA.


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This is not OK. Attacking Gold Star families is not OK. Mocking a disabled American on national TV is not OK. Referring to America’s allies as “shithole countries” is not OK. Calling white supremacists “very fine people” is not OK. Handing your billionaire friends massive handouts in the form of tax cuts paid for by ordinary Americans is not OK. Calling US Congresswomen of color “savages” and telling them to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came” is not OK. Consistently trying to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, threatening coverage for millions of American women is not OK. A “Gag Rule” silencing doctors & nurses from providing reproductive healthcare information to their fellow Americans is not OK. None of this is OK. For nearly three long and tiring years, our American patriotism has been exploited. We were told by our current President that he would “make America great again.” Instead, we have a nation more divided than ever before and further away from the ideals that make America truly ‘great.’ Enough is enough. We’re taking a stand. We’re standing up for a woman’s right to choose, which is the law of the land. We’re standing up for women and LGBTQ+ rights. We’re standing up for the un- & under-insured’s ability to access affordable reproductive care. We’re standing up for every American’s right to a healthy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Starting today, DHVANI will donate a percentage of our sales to non-profit organizations that support access to reproductive healthcare and fight Trump’s Title X gag rule in Congress. DHVANI is prepared for the fight of our lives. Will you #StandForSomething with us? . **DHVANI produced the images of this campaign to artistically express the frustrations we believe many women share. All images are metaphorical in nature only. DHVANI does NOT and will NEVER condone violence of ANY KIND.**

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During the 1936 Berlin Olympic games, when Hitler was in full power, the founder of German company Adidas asked the legendary Jesse Owens to compete while wearing shoes he designed – an act of rebellion. . In 2018, when Colin Kaepernick took a knee and started a movement, Nike embraced him and amplified his message – at great cost and risk. . Today, DHVANI is taking a stand against the Trump administration’s Title X “Gag Rule”. Established in 1970 with bipartisan support, the Title X program provides affordable birth control and reproductive health care to people with low incomes. Trump’s Gag Rule, which directly opposes federal law, silences healthcare professionals, preventing them from providing information on where and how to access reproductive healthcare to over 4 million American women. . One of the most beautiful things about America is that we are all free to make our own choices. If you disagree with our stance, vote with your dollars by shopping elsewhere. If you are with us, please join us at as we #StandForSomething together. . *DHVANI produced the images of this campaign to artistically express the frustrations we believe many women share. All images are metaphorical in nature only. DHVANI does NOT and will NEVER condone violence of ANY KIND.

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Dhavni a spus că „Toate imaginile sunt doar de natură metaforică. DHVANI NU nu promova NICIODATĂ violența asupra niciunei persoane”.

Donald Trump nu a răspuns public la campanie, dar fiul său, Donald Trump Jr, a criticat presa pentru că nu a condamnat reclama.



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