
Claudia Schiffer a pozat goală pentru Vogue, la 48 de ani

Claudia Schiffer a pozat goală pentru Vogue, sărbătorind astfel 25 de ani de la prima apariţie în revista italiană.

Fotomodelul de origine germană în vârstă de 48 de ani a apărut pe coperta revistei, în ediţia din 6 august acoperită doar cu o poşetă tip plic în dreptul bustului şi cu o pereche de pantofi cu toc Yves Saint Laurent în dreptul zonei intime.


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SHE IS BACK ✨ CLAUDIA BY CLAUDIA @claudiaschiffer back on our cover after 25 years! in @ysl photographed by @collierschorrstudio styled by @vanessareidofficial! Check out our August Issue on Newsstands August 6th! “The concept was to take the framework of some of Helmut Newton’s most seminal studio shoots, especially the “auto-portraits”. Theoretically, the women in these photographs by Newton were “making” their own portraits in that very brief moment that they are looking at themselves in mirrors and releasing the camera’s shutter with a cable release. The idea for my story evolved into me stepping into the shoes of Helmut Newton and being shown in the mirrors’ reflections, photographing Claudia and Stephanie.”(…) “When you are photographing women such as Stephanie and Claudia, who are literally like the walking lexicons of fashion gesture in photography, there are things they will and will not do. There’s not one thing that you see in these photographs that Claudia didn’t want to do – if she didn’t want to do it, she changed it.” #CollierSchorr See more via link in bio. Full credits: #ClaudiaSchiffer @dmanagementgroup Editor in chief @efarneti Creative director @ferdinandoverderi Casting directors @pg_dmcasting @samuel_ellis @ DM Fashion Studio Interview @pimcharlottecotton Make-up @hiromi_ueda @artandcommerce Hair @garygillhair @streetersagency Manicure @louimarie_nails @jaqmanagement Set design @tomotattle @streetersagency Executive producer @sylviafarago

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Într-o altă variantă a copertei, Claudia Schiffer este mai acoperită, purtând un sacou negru şi o pereche de pantofi.


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A huge pleasure to collaborate with @efarneti @collierschorrstudio and all the amazing @vogueitalia team. X

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Pentru numărul din luna august al revistei Vogue Italia a pozat şi top-modelul american Stephanie Seymour, în vârstă de 51 de ani, care revine pe coperta publicaţiei după 32 de ani. Seymour a pozat acoperindu-şi părţile intime cu mâinile, dar şi cu o curea.


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SHE IS BACK ✨ STEPHANIE BY STEPHANIE Our August Issue with @stephanieseymour stunning at 51! in @ysl photographed by @collierschorrstudio styled by @vanessareidofficial. On Newsstands August 6th! In the Seventies, sex and power entered fashion photography through the lens of Helmut Newton. With our August Issue we pay homage to the photography master with a story of women empowerment, because this time behind the lens there is a woman, Collier Schorr, a pioneer of the use of fashion photography to subvert gender and identity conventions. Here Stephanie Seymour is no longer the teenage girl of some of the master’s most iconic past images. She is an active subject, she shares the process with the photographer. A process involving women fully aware of their sexuality, and comfortable in their own skin. It is the story of women capable of handling not only the consequences of exposing their body but most of all, the power that Newton was the first to acknowledge them and that, today, they have no intention of relinquishing. “I didn’t want to enact the Helmut Newton role with a much younger and less experienced model and have that much power, even if it’s just a presumed power. By the time I was working with Stephanie on the final shoot, I better understood that the performance for the camera is not all put on for affect – what you see in the photographs is made up of real pieces of us. I truly understand what it is like to be in a certain fashion photography moment where a lot of lines – albeit only representational – can get crossed.” #CollierSchorr See more via link in bio. Full credits: Editor in chief @efarneti Creative director @ferdinandoverderi Casting directors @pg_dmcasting @samuel_ellis @ DM Fashion Studio Interview @pimcharlottecotton Text @alessiaglaviano Make-up @dickpageface @statementartists Hair @brentlawler Manicure @lollykoonnails @thewallgroup Set design @andyharman @lalalandartists On set @mpacetx

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În cea de-a doua copertă, corpul îi este acoperit de o haină verde şi poartă dres negru cu buline.


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SHE IS BACK ✨ STEPHANIE BY STEPHANIE @stephanieseymour in @ysl photographed by @collierschorrstudio styled by @vanessareidofficial! Our August Issue on Newsstands August 6th! “I’m sure that, in some ways, that’s a Helmut Newton thing of wanting to be in a room with a powerful woman but leaving the space for her to walk away and come back. On a really good day, you are dancing with this other person, moving in and out with them. I certainly want the person I am shooting to assume power and assume their agency. You see Stephanie deciding to make a picture, and having an opinion about it and the permission that gives for me to assume a position in front of the camera.” #CollierSchorr See more via link in bio. Full credits: Editor in chief @efarneti Creative director @ferdinandoverderi Casting directors @pg_dmcasting @samuel_ellis @ DM Fashion Studio Interview @pimcharlottecotton Make-up @dickpageface @statementartists Hair @brentlawler Manicure @lollykoonnails @thewallgroup Set design @andyharman @lalalandartists On set @mpacetx

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Cel care a realizat incendiarul pictorial a fost fotograful american Collier Schorr. „Conceptul a fost să luăm cadre ale câtorva dintre cele mai relevante şedinţe foto de studio ale lui Helmut Newton, în special «auto-portretele». Teoretic, femeile din aceste imagini ale lui Newton îşi făceau singure portretele în acel scurt moment în care se uită la reflexiile lor din oglindă şi realizează că s-a declanşat aparatul.

Când fotografiezi femei ca Stephanie şi Claudia, care sunt ca nişte dicţionare mergătoare în ceea ce priveşte expresivitatea modei, sunt lucruri pe care le vor face şi lucruri pe care nu le vor face. Nu există un lucru în aceste fotografii pe care Claudia să nu fi vrut să-l facă. Dacă nu voia să-l facă, îl schimba“.

Datorită a ceea ce sunt şi a ceea ce reprezintă ele, cred că aceste fotografii sunt despre confirmarea propriei lor sexualităţi şi e foarte diferit de reprezentarea dorinţei, care e întotdeauna conectată la cel care face fotografia. Cred că este vorba despre Claudia, Stephanie şi relaţiile mele cu sexualităţile şi trupurile noastre, despre a fi văzute ca femei în vârstă“, a scris Collier Schorr în descrierea fotografiilor postate pe contul de Instagram al revistei Vogue Italia.

Imaginile sunt un omagiu adus autoportretelor semnate de fotograful germano-australian Helmut Newton (1920 – 2004), dintr-o perspectivă feminină.





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