
Amuleta care o apără pe Meghan Markle de deochi

Meghan Markle se teme de ce e mai rău, de când nu se mai află sub protecția Casei Regale britanice. Fosta actriță a purtat din nou un colier controversat, despre care se spune că o apără de energii negative și o ţine departe de privirile rele.

Ducesa de Sussex, în vârstă de 38 de ani, a avut o apariție surpriză miercuri într-un apel video cu Smart Works, o organizație caritabilă pe care o patronează. Meghan a purtat un pulover simplu din cașmir și un colier Visionary Charm de la Edge of Ember, o amuletă împotriva deochiului.


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“It’s been such an honour to meet and learn from so many talented women in the Smart Works network over the years, and recently to see the amazing work they’re doing to adapt their programs to the reality of this pandemic. Their ability to continue to empower women and help them harness the confidence they need to succeed during this time is inspiring.” – a message to our clients from the Duchess of Sussex. ⠀ Since moving to a virtual service six weeks ago we have delivered 200 hours of support to our clients. ⠀ From the volunteers who have been delivering coaching online to the staff working behind the scenes to make everything run smoothly – the energy, passion and commitment has been overwhelming. ⠀ We couldn’t do this without the support of our community and on the 27th March we were honoured that our patron, The Duchess of Sussex kindly volunteered some time to speak with one of our clients ahead of her interview, offering words of advice and encouragement. During the session the Duchess praised her for being “such a beacon of hope” and “focusing on getting through this”. ⠀ When asked about her patronage she said, “it’s a pleasure to support them, you see how great they do and how many people they help and that’s what it’s all about. I’ve been really proud to be able to be their patron, but it’s an easy yes when you have such incredible women helping you.” ⠀ After her session with the Duchess our client had this to say: ⠀ “I just wanted to say a big ‘thank you’ to you, the Duchess and the whole team at Smart Works for making this possible for women all around the UK, because to see such work is truly inspiring and uplifting. And thank you for the super useful interview tips – I will be using them for years to come!.” ⠀ The Smart Works service is available for any woman who is unemployed and has a confirmed job interview, referrals are made by our employment support partners including women’s charities and Job Centre Plus. Our mission is to help anyone who needs it, no matter the circumstances.

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Colierul este descris ca un obiect „care protejează de energii negative pe cel care-l poartă ” şi că persoana respectivă este ferită de privirile rele atunci când apare în public.

Colierul costă 175 $

„Inspirate de monedele vintage găsite în Asia, aceste talismane din zilele noastre poartă noroc”, se arată în descrierea produsului. Colierul vizionar are un ochi de topaz albastru cu rolul de a-și proteja purtătorul de vibrații negative. Creatorul colierului, designerul Alemdara, explică pe site-ul său: „Potrivit legendei otomane, o privire rea asupra persoanei tale este anulată şi alungată”, explicând că acest colierul ajută la risipirea gândurilor şi energiilor negative.

A mai apărut cu el şi în timpul turneului din Africa împreună cu Harry, înainte de a anunţa „divorţul” de Casa Regală.


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